Call for projects Architecture Biennale

Call for projects Architecture Biennale

All schools and universities in the fields of architecture, urban design and landscape architecture as well as related study programmes are invited to submit proposals for contributions to the exhibition Parallel Cases – Smart Cities.

The exhibition is part of the main programme of the 5th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam - Making City and will open at the Netherlands Architecture Institute in April 2012.

Project proposals may be submitted up to and including Sunday 8 May 2011 using the web application form. Persons submitting proposals will be notified no later than Friday 20 May 2011 as to whether their proposal has been selected for participation. More information (pdf, 5 p.)

PARALLEL CASES – SMART CITIES is being organised by the collective Academies of Architecture in the Netherlands in cooperation with the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam and the Netherlands Architecture Institute.


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