DutchCulture is the Dutch government’s partner in the implementation of international cultural policy. We offer information, advice, support, and coordination for cultural cooperation with the 24 focal countries in the international cultural policy 2021-2024. We do this in close collaboration with the Dutch diplomatic missions abroad and our (inter)national partners.
Opportunities for cultural cooperation with focal countries
International cultural policy 2021-2024 opts for a targeted, strategic approach in 24 countries: in Europe, on Europe’s borders and beyond. For each focal country, DutchCulture provides information about opportunities for collaboration, Dutch activities in those countries, contact details for advice and more:
International cultural policy 2021-2024
The Netherlands’ international cultural policy is a joint responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The policy focuses on a strong position for the Dutch cultural sector abroad through visibility, exchanges and long-term partnerships. Moreover, Dutch cultural activities can support bilateral relationships with other countries, for example promoting partnerships and contributing to exchanges and dialogue.
Another aim is to harness the power of the cultural sector and creative industries to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, from Sustainable Cities and Communities to Gender Equality.
Questions and advice
Whether you routinely engage in cooperation with one or more focal countries or are just starting, we are here to share our network, information and expertise with you. For questions and tailored advice visit our country pages for contact details per country or contact us via email below.