International visitors: Zihni Tümer and Helun Firat (TUR)

International visitors: Zihni Tümer and Helun Firat (TUR)

From 21 until 24 March, Mr Zihni Tümer and Ms Helun Firat from CerModern Arts Center in Ankara are visiting the Netherlands
Monday 21 - Thursday 24 March 2016

Mr Tümer and Ms Firat are both Managing Partner at CerModern Arts Center. This organisation, established in 2008, is located in a former old maintenance hall for railway wagons and engines in Ankara. Its activities range from art exhibitions to concerts and facilitating artist's residencies.

Focus of the visit to the Netherlands is identifying Dutch partners and participants for a gaming event to be organised in June in Ankara. This event will consist of two parts, a B2B part in which Dutch companies can present themselves and a information part with seminars, workshops and industry talks.

Turkey is a important games market. In 2015, 22 million Turkish gamers spend 450 million dollar. The locale game industry is growing and has produced a number of successful games.

For more information about this visitors' programme, please contact Veysel Yuce (Advisor Turkey)

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