Andrea Posthuma
Advisor MEDIA - Creative Europe
a.posthuma [at] creativeeuropedesk.nl

Publication: Facts & Figures Creative Europe MEDIA 2016

Ken Loach’s film 'I, Daniel Blake' received MEDIA distribution support in 2016
Film I Daniel Blake

Publication: Facts & Figures Creative Europe MEDIA 2016

Dutch results in the European film industry

Dutch applicants in 2016 again received generous support from Creative Europe’s MEDIA grant programme. The Creative Europe Desk NL | DutchCulture has published a brochure putting all the programme’s figures for 2016 into perspective. But it’s not only a matter of money. In 2016 we also put film makers and producers of children’s content into touch with European policy makers during the European Film Forum at Cinekid for Professionals, and a cross-sectoral call was published (by MEDIA and Culture) pertaining to the integration of refugees.

The Netherlands in the top seven
The Dutch audio-visual sector receives almost six million euros from Brussels, amounting to 5.46 % of the total Creative Europe budget for 2016. Besides France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Spain (the 'Big Five'), only Belgium benefits more from the programme than the Netherlands. In addition, the VPRO media company receives 300,000 euros for the project Youropa from another European budget.

The diagram on pages 4 and 5 of the brochure gives an overview of which organisations received how much money from the Creative Europe MEDIA programme. The Imagine Film Festival and Picl (formerly Filmthuis) are newcomers to the list of successful applicants.

IDFA and Hubert Bals successful international co-production funds
The IDFA Bertha Fund Europe and the Hubert Bals Fund + Europe receive almost 35% of the total budget for the call "Support for International Co-production funds". That’s quite a success for the Netherlands! The two funds are used to finance and distribute international co-productions, among other things.

The brochure (in Dutch) with facts and figures can be downloaded here. If you would rather receive a printed copy, then please send an email to Annelies Bokma.

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