In the run-up to the symposium Artistiek Kompas, Errol Boon wrote an essay on ethical challenges artists face when confronted with artistic censorship.
As a result of the efforts of the collaborative project Never Grow Up!, five Dutch groups find their way to Washington, USA, for a season-long focus.
We signalised three general assumptions about Dutch cultural exchange in Germany and fact-checked them with our database. The outcome might surprise you.
In recent years, China has become one of the world’s economic, scientific and technological superpowers. For artists it also offers exciting opportunities.
Photographer Cynthia Boll wins the Zilveren Camera award for her series 'Sinking Cities, Jakarta', a follow up of the project 'The People Behind The Seawall'
DutchCulture organiseerde in samenwerking met deBuren een internationale conferentie in Antwerpen over de kracht van kunst en creatieven in de stad.
Kunstverzamelaar gebruikt Nederlandse collectie om relaties te leggen tussen verschillende landen
From 18 June to 6 July 2018, art and heritage professionals from Indonesia and South Africa are visiting the Netherlands for knowledge-exchange.
For ‘South Sulawesi Reconsidered’, researcher Maarten Hidskes is travelling to Indonesia to speak with descendants, veterans and academics about a painful past.
In January, a group of Dutch museum and heritage professionals travelled to Indonesia to discuss collaboration on museum management training.
Het programma voor Leeuwarden-Friesland 2018 is bekend.