DutchCulture is the network and knowledge organisation for international cultural cooperation. We support the Dutch cultural and creative sector, public authorities, and diplomatic posts in the pursuit of their international ambitions.
If you have international cultural ambitions, DutchCulture can help you gain a footing on the international stage. We give information, advice, and training on international cultural cooperation. We connect cultural and creative professionals, organisations, public authorities, and networks with each other and international partners in international cultural cooperation. We identify developments and investigate themes and domains relevant to successful collaboration. We share knowledge and insights with the cultural and creative sectors.
Our vision and mission
We believe that international cultural cooperation and exchange can drive artistic and professional development, strengthen international relationships, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. We envision a world in which international cultural cooperation and exchange enrich society.
DutchCulture stands for the importance of international cooperation and exchange based on reciprocity, inclusivity, and sustainability. As an active and involved partner, we primarily support the cultural and creative sector. Our mission is to take professionals further in realising their international cultural ambitions.
International cultural policy
DutchCulture is the Dutch government’s partner in the implementation of international cultural policy (2021-2024). We receive a four-year subsidy from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to implement our activity plans for 2021-2024 (in Dutch only). We also receive a contribution from the European Commission for our European activities.
For whom
The cultural and creative sector, artists and makers
We work for cultural and creative professionals and organisations within the art and design sector as well as for heritage institutions and professionals. We are available for those who routinely engage in international cooperation, as well as for those who are just starting out.
The Dutch diplomatic network worldwide
We work with the Dutch diplomatic missions abroad to implement the Dutch international cultural policy. We engage most intensively with the missions in the 24 focal countries.
The provincial and municipal governments
Within the Netherlands, we are currently intensifying our services to provincial and municipal governments since internationalisation is an important aspect of their cultural policies as well. This way, we contribute to cooperation between cities and regions internationally.
Our services and activities
Our website is your first source of information on programmes and opportunities for international cultural cooperation. Our news page offers background articles, special publications, and the latest news on international cultural cooperation and the Netherlands. We also produce videos and podcasts. We have a database of Dutch cultural activities abroad for contacts, collaborations, or trends per year, country, and more.
We organise different events for information, exchange, and networking related to international cultural cooperation. This includes our visitors programmes to the Netherlands for non-Dutch cultural and heritage professionals and our biennial international Forum on European Culture to engage citizens with Europe. Our advisors can be contacted directly for tailored advice:
- Our Mobility Info Point assists individual artists and cultural organisations with questions regarding the planning of international activities, mobility, and collaboration.
- We give information on thematic, disciplinary, and networking opportunities for the 24 focal countries in current international cultural policy. We manage the Matching Fund for projects concerning International Heritage Cooperation and projects related to Europe + Heritage.
- DutchCulture hosts the Creative Europe Desk NL to share information on international calls and available support for projects and activities with European partners.
- Our TransArtists platform helps artists find suitable artists residencies abroad or in the Netherlands, as well as potential financial support and international contacts. It also hosts the largest worldwide database of artist residencies, with more than 1400 opportunities.
Our partners
We cooperate with Dutch partners to implement the Dutch international cultural policy. Partners include the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, the National Archives of the Netherlands, EYE Film Institute NL, Het Nieuwe Instituut, the six public cultural funds (Performing Arts Fund NL, Fund for Cultural Participation, Mondriaan Fund, Netherlands Film Fund, Dutch Foundation for Literature and Creative Industries Fund NL) and the Dutch diplomatic missions. Within this infrastructure, DutchCulture has a coordinating, advisory, and informative role, in particular for the 24 focal countries in the current policy.
We also work with the national European cultural institutes and different cultural organisations in the focal countries and elsewhere. We are a member of several international networks such as IETM, On the Move, IFACCA, and EUNIC.
Our codes
DutchCulture currently employs around forty dedicated cultural professionals of various backgrounds, nationalities, ethnic origins, ages, gender, sexual orientation, and faith. DutchCulture endorses the Fair Practice Code, the Cultural Governance Code, and the Diversity & Inclusion Code.
Stay up to date
Subscribe to our newsletters to stay up to date on our events and activities. You can choose your preferred language: Dutch or English, and you can choose specific interests.
Social media
DutchCulture: Facebook (NL), LinkedIn (NL) and Instagram (ENG)
Creative Europe Desk NL: Profiel / X, Facebook, and Instagram
TransArtists: Instagram and Facebook
International Heritage Cooperation: Facebook