Herengracht 474
1017 CA Amsterdam
One of DutchCulture's responsibilities is informing the national and international heritage field about Shared Cultural Heritage. The sharing of available knowledge and experience is important in creating synergy and ensuring that past experiences are accessible to everyone. This increases the quality of Shared Cultural Heritage activities.
Information about completed and current projects, including accompanying experts and organisations, is accessible through our website.
DutchCulture regularly organises public lectures and network events and expert meetings.
Shared Cultural Heritage Matching Fund
Our Matching Fund supports projects initiated by Dutch organisations that help connect shared heritage activities in different countries. The Matching Fund also welcomes projects that increase the visibility of such heritage. The Shared Cultural Heritage Travel compensation scheme offers support to Dutch organisations travelling to one of the ten partners countries: Australia , Brazil, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and the United States of America.
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Visitors’ Programme
Through the International Visitors’ Programme, foreign heritage professionals can become acquainted with the Dutch cultural heritage arena.
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