Dutch entry Prague Quadrennial 2015 wins gold medal

Team of curators of the Netherlands at Prague Quadriennal 2015. Photo: Tineke de Lange
Tineke de Lange
Beeldende kunst

Dutch entry Prague Quadrennial 2015 wins gold medal

Platform-­Scenography wins the Gold Medal for best concept of an exhibition at PQ 2015

Between Realities: Fight, Flee, Shelter, Negotiateor Surrender,the entry of the Netherlands to the Prague Quadrennial 2015, has been awarded with the gold medal for best curatorial concept of an exhibition.

The prize was handed out on behalf of the Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic during the Award Ceremony on Monday night the 22th of June in the Archa Theatre in Prague.

Between Realities is a project, where designers and artists work in the public space of Prague, instead of exhibiting their existing work. All participants aim to make a visitor to the PQ or an unsuspecting passerby experience the city in a different way or to shift their perspective in a subtle or not so subtle way.

The team of curators, consisting of Anne Karin ten Bosch (chair), Sanne Danz, Sigrid Merx, Iris Schutten and Ester van de Wiel, invited the following designers and artists to participate: Naomi Bueno de Mesquita, Carly Everaert, Katja Heitmann, Julian Hetzel, Vinny Jones, Rick van der Linden, Maarten van Otterdijk, Hieke Pars, Eva Schippers and Florian de Visser.

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