Josine Backus
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j.backus [at] dutchculture.nl

Blogpost 2 Brazil-Netherlands Student Workshop Museum Management

The Dutch students with professor Giep Hagoort at the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil in Rio de Janeiro.

Blogpost 2 Brazil-Netherlands Student Workshop Museum Management

The Dutch students arrived in Rio de Janeiro and get to know the city

During a two-day workshop in Rio de Janeiro on 10 and 11 August, four Brazilian and four Dutch students design together a brand new museum concept. The students present the results at the seminar Brazil-Netherlands Exchange on Managing Public Cultural Spaces on 12 August. The teaching staff consists of Giep Hagoort, professor emeritus Art & Economics at University Utrecht, and Rosane Carvalho, museologist and coordinator of the Museums Management MBA at Candido Mendes University in Rio. Both the workshop and the seminar are organized by FGV and DutchCulture.

8-9 August: olá Brasil!
Willemijn: “On 8 August after an eleven hour flight from Amsterdam to Rio de Janeiro, we arrived in the evening and were intrigued by the imposing images of the skyline of Rio de Janeiro. The architectonic diversity, the looming lights of the city; looked promising for the days to come. After arrival in our hostel, we were ready for a beer in the neighbourhood and got a glimpse of the 'cidade maravilhosa' or the marvelous city as Rio is called.

Our first (Sun)day at a glance: woken up at early dawn, we had a walk at Ipanema beach. Impressed by the gloss of the sand and the tiny little bikinis women are wearing. The mountains around the city fill the mind with reverence for nature. Visiting MAM, the Modern Art Museum, and Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, honouring Pablo Picasso - the gentleman of Art and Innovation, stirs the mind and filled us with ideas that might lead to breakthroughs in the days ahead of us.
Our fulfillment of the day was presented to us by our hostess and Brazil connoisseur Ineke Holtwijk. Enjoying Brazilian cuisine with Rio’s skyline as scenery, we shared stories on culture, politics and passion. Tomorrow the real programme starts, we are looking forward to it.”

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