Josine Backus
Advisor - Brazil | Italy | Spain | Suriname | US
j.backus [at] dutchculture.nl

Josine Backus, Brazil | Italy | Spain | Suriname | US

Josine Backus, Brazil | Italy | Spain | Suriname | US

I work at DutchCulture as an advisor on cultural cooperation between the Netherlands and Brazil. I enjoy providing people with knowledge about this culturally rich and diverse country and helping them establish local connections to realise their projects and activities in the field of arts and culture. Additionally, I coordinate our services related to the other focal countries in Dutch international cultural policy in the Americas: Suriname and the U.S. As well as in Southern Europe: Spain and Italy. I strongly believe in the value of international cooperation and exchange based on reciprocity, co-creation and equality.

I hold an MSc in cultural anthropology from the University of Amsterdam. I graduated with a thesis on the Brazilian cultural practice of Bumba Meu Boi, which mixes playfulness, music, dance and performing arts. I did a minor in Dutch studies on text and communication, focusing on intercultural competencies. Before joining DutchCulture I worked at various other organisations, including the corporate communication department of the Royal Tropical Institute.