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Guidelines for the DutchCulture Database
Last update: November 2021
- What is the database?
The DutchCulture Database (formerly known as ‘Buitengaats’) collects data on the cultural projects of Dutch creatives and organisations that take place internationally.
The database tracks cultural activities by Dutch organisations or creatives that take place outside of the Netherlands with a clear start date and end date. Cultural activities need to match one (or more) of the main creative disciplines (provided in the list below) and fit into one of the event categories.
- How are activities added to the database?
The database contains activities added by the artists and organizations, provided by our partners, and that we have researched ourselves. Activities of the past and present may be added and the system is checked for double submissions.
1. Artists and organizations may add activities to their page by creating an account with the MyDC portal.
2. We request a quarterly update from 17 Dutch diplomatic relations involved in international cultural policy to provide us with an update of the Dutch cultural activities in their country of residence.
3. Every four months we ask the six governmental cultural funds and the four organisations that execute the international cultural policy to inform us of relevant projects they are supporting abroad.
4. At the end of the year, DutchCulture sends a call for information to all cultural organisations in the basic infrastructure and Dutch diplomats residing in countries outside the cultural policy focus countries.
5. At the end of the year, DutchCulture sends a call for information to the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK).
6. DutchCulture is subscribed to several newsletters and receives notifications of international activities at buitengaats@dutchculture.nl.
7. DutchCulture is continually researching new projects starting with the organisations that have already been added to the database before and are marked as the most frequent travellers of the past three years.
- When does an organisation meet the requirements to be added as a Dutch creative company or artist?
- If the organisation or artist works and resides in the Netherlands and develops international activities, regardless of the nationality of origin of the initiator.
- If the artist has Dutch nationality but is (temporarily) residing abroad.
- When is an activity suitable for the database?
An activity is defined as a cultural activity if it fits one of the main disciplines in the list we provide below. If acknowledged, the sub discipline is also added. An activity can belong to multiple main and sub disciplines.
The activity is subsequently added to an event type (see list below). An activity can only belong to one event type.
The activity must have a start and an end date. If you know the exact date, always provide this. In case of an ongoing event including multiple activities, for example a festival, pick the start date and end date of the complete event.
The activity must be attributable to a Dutch organisation, artist or cultural worker.
The activity must take place outside of the Netherlands, in a venue of which the name and the location are provided.
- Which disciplines does the database contain?
- Architecture
- Architecture: Landscape Architecture Workshop
- Architecture: Spatial Planning
- Architecture: Buildings & Structures
- Art & Science
- Audiovisual Media
- Audiovisual Media: Animation Screening
- Audiovisual Media: Documentary
- Audiovisual Media: Feature Film
- Audiovisual Media: Short Film
- Audiovisual Media: Podcast
- Audiovisual Media: Television
- Design
- Design: Product Design & Industrial Design Fair
- Design: Food Design
- Design: Graphic Design
- Design: Fashion
- Design: Jewellery
- Design: Illustration
- Design: Exhibition Design & Interior Design
- Digital Culture
- Digital Culture: Technology
- Digital Culture: Games
- Digital Culture: Virtual Reality
- Education
- Heritage
- Heritage: Archaeology Workshop
- Heritage: Archives
- Heritage: Collections
- Heritage: Intangible Heritage
- Heritage: Landscape
- Heritage: Monuments
- Journalism
- Literature
- Literature: Fiction Translation
- Literature: Non-Fiction
- Literature: Poetry
- Literature: Youth Literature
- Music
- Music: Classical Music Concert
- Music: Pop & Rock
- Music: World Music
- Music: Jazz & Improvised Music
- Music: Hip Hop
- Music: Electronic Music
- Performing Arts
- Performing Arts: Dance Performance- stage
- Performing Arts: Theatre
- Performing Arts: Music Theatre
- Performing Arts: Youth Theatre
- Sustainability
- Visual Arts
- Visual Arts: Drawing & Painting & Graphic Solo Exhibition
- Visual Arts: Installation & Sculpture
- Visual Arts: Performance Art
- Visual Arts: Photography
- Visual Arts: Media Art
- Visual Arts: Research & Theory
- Visual Arts: Sound Art
- Architecture
- What type of events can be added to the database?
- Archiving
- Artist-in-Residence
- Award
- Biennale
- Competition
- Concert
- Conference
- Debate
- Fair
- Festival
- Group Exhibition
- Lecture
- Loan
- Manifestation
- Master class
- Meeting
- Other
- Performance - Art
- Performance - Stage
- Presentation
- Publication
- Research
- Restoration
- Screening
- Solo Exhibition
- Technical assistance
- Training
- Translation
- Workshop
- Observations concerning the data
Some disciplines are an easy fit for the structure of the database, like music and other performing arts, fine arts and film. This accounts for the high number of concerts, performances, solo or group exhibitions and screenings in the database. Some disciplines are harder to define, for example ongoing exchange programs or trajectories in the creative industry (design, games, architecture).
- Observations concerning the information sources
The amount of data per discipline depends highly on the source of information. For example: The Eye Film Institute collects all Dutch films, including minor co-productions at foreign festivals, but there are no go-to sources to collect Dutch exhibitions abroad or buildings designed by Dutch architects. We are dependent on individually provided information and our own research, which is naturally limited by time.
- Which principles do not apply to the database?
Quality: DutchCulture does not rate the status of the cultural organisations, artists or foreign venues.
Completeness: DutchCulture will add a minimum of one Dutch organisation/artist and one foreign venue per activity.
Film: DutchCulture only collects screenings of films at international festivals, but no screenings in regular cinema’s or on television. A film is defined as Dutch if we can connect it to a Dutch filmmaker or (co)producer. Films with a Dutch actor or any other type of Dutch organisation in the credits are not added to the database because we are not provided with this information.
Literature: DutchCulture collects translations of Dutch literature. We do not display the exact publication date. Each translation has 01-01 as start and 31-12 as end date