Astrid Mörk, Advisor - Germany I Belgium
Astrid Mörk
Advisor - Germany I Belgium
a.moerk [at] dutchculture.nl

Andrea Posthuma
Advisor MEDIA - Creative Europe
a.posthuma [at] creativeeuropedesk.nl

Get Intimate With Us: A Networking Dinner on Intimacy Coordination @ Berlinale

Programme of the event on a dining table
Get Intimate With Us: Networking Dinner on Intimacy Coordination @ Berlinale, 20 February 2023
Dicle Gülşahin

Get Intimate With Us: A Networking Dinner on Intimacy Coordination @ Berlinale

Intimacy coordinators from Germany and the Netherlands are coming together to discuss this emerging profession during the 73rd Berlinale.

The Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin, or the Berlinale with its universal name, is where everyone meets each other, gets inspired, seeks out connection and, of course, watches films. The beauty of film is that it is an ever-moving medium, always open for newness. While the 73rd edition of Berlinale takes over the city, DutchCulture is there to celebrate film by opening up a new conversation.

One of the new movements within the film industry is the way we look at intimate scenes, sexual content and nudity within the film and TV industry. The profession of ‘intimacy coordinator’ is a relatively new one, yet already unmissable on set and much talked about, also in Europe. Therefore, DutchCulture would like to enhance the conversation even more, and ask this question: how can the Netherlands and Germany learn from and inspire each other?

DutchCulture, the Dutch and German Creative Europe Desks, the Netherlands Film Fund and the Netherlands Embassy in Berlin have invited a small selected group of professionals from both countries to gather for a dinner around the theme. The idea is to connect, reflect and deepen conversations about intimacy on set, and bring new and old friends from the Dutch and German film industry together. The dinner is taking place on Monday 20 February, at silent green Kulturquartier, a renown cultural hub in Berlin and one of the festival locations.
