Europadag 2017

Trust me, I’m an artist is a project supported by the Creative Europe Culture programme, coordinated by Waag Society
Trust Me I'm An Artist

Europadag 2017

The Art of Trust

Europadag 2017 - Pakhuis de Zwijger - Amsterdam
'The Art of Trust'
12 december: 13:00 - 18:00 uur

Graag uw aandacht voor Europa Dag 2017: 'The Art of Trust'!
Europadag 2017 wordt georganiseerd door Creative Europe Desk NL en Europe for Citizens Point NL, op 12 december in Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam.
De focus ligt deze dag op:

Hoe wek je het vertrouwen van potentiële investeerders en partners voor een project?

Bezuinigingen op publieke financiering, uitdagingen van globalisering, de mogelijkheden van digitalisering en de toenemende kracht van het publiek zetten de culturele, creatieve en maatschappelijke sectoren steeds meer onder druk om nieuwe manieren te zoeken om partners te binden en te zoeken naar andere vormen van financiering. Tijdens de Europadag zullen we trends onderzoeken en het woord geven aan financiers, adviseurs en praktijkdeskundigen.

Programma (in het Engels, de voertaal van Europadag is ook Engels)

Moderated by Esther van Rijswijk (journalist, economist and co-founder of Mattermap)

13.00 - 13.30     Registration
13.30 - 14.00     Welcome and keynote Arjo Klamer, professor of cultural economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.
14.00 - 14.45     Panel discussion with: David Dixon (Director of efesai, fundraising and strategy international), Bernadette Kuiper (Director of Impact Academy), Ronald Kleverlaan (Director of European Centre for Alternative Finance)
14.45 - 15.15     Presentation: Gloria Benedikt (choreographer, Citizen Artist Incubator, Science and Art research associate)
15.15 - 15.30     Presentations: Marc Putman (OUTtv), Catrien Spijkerman (Iron Curtain Project)
15.30 - 15.45     Short break and move to parallel sessions

15.45 - 17.00    Parallel sessions:

Storytelling (Europe for Citizens)
In this session participants get an insight on how to present their project and to take it a step further. How to move and connect in conversation by using storypower? How to inspire and in the end win trust of your investor and partner? The workshop is led by Hélène Oostdijk (InsideStory), expert on organisational storytelling.
Catrien Spijkerman (Iron Curtain Project) will be there to present how it uses the art storytelling in practice.

Guarantee Facility (Creative Europe)
In the context of limited access to finance for the cultural and creative sectors, the Creative Europe programme earmarked €121 million to a financial mechanism acting as insurance to financial intermediaries (e.g. banks) offering financing to cultural and creative sector initiatives. The guarantee scheme is managed by the European Investment Fund. In this session we will discuss, with a panel of experts, how to build a relationship with financial stakeholders and how to convince them to get behind your project.

Gunnar Mai (Head of Division EU Guarantee Facilities, European Investment Fund)
Bertoud Coose (Business Manager CCS, PMV)
Anne Marie de Blieck (Head of Arts and Cul-ture at Triodos Investment Management)
Kees van Weijen (president of IMPALA Inde-pendent Music Companies Association)
Doreen Boonekamp (CEO of the Netherlands Film Fund)
Hans Luyckx (Board member, Dutch Gaming Association)

This session is moderated by:
Esther van Rijswijk

17.00 - 18.00     Networking with drinks

Are you interested? Please register here and also sign up for one of the parallel sessions.