Culture Talk: Le Grand Cru invites Rachelle Agbossou
The Culture Talk will be on the topic of working together in the intercultural dance sector, with specific attention to the cooperation between foundation Le Grand Cru from the Netherlands and Compagnie Walo from Benin. The programme is as follows:
- Feri de Geus and Noortje Bijvoets, artistic directors at Le Grand Cru, will introduce their organisation.
- Interview with Feri de Geus and Noortje Bijvoets
“When you just dance together and see what the other culture has to offer, you automatically gain respect for one another.”
Read the full interview via: http://bit.ly/2sfftUI
- Rachelle Agbossou will give a presentation about her work.
- Biography Rachelle Agbossou
Rachelle Agbossou started her career as a dancer for the National Ballet of Benin (2004 - 2008) and specialised in the rich oeuvre of traditional dancing. From 2004, she worked with choreographer Hedy Malem and toured around the world with his African Sacre de Printemps. In 2005, Rachelle founded Compagnie Walo aiming to create a modern fusion company that could protest against social disparities and the subordinate position of women around the world. The Dutch Embassy in Benin got acquainted with the company in 2007 and connected Compagnie Walo with the Le Grand Cru foundation - Feri de Geus and Noortje Bijvoets - who proved through their intercultural projects that they could make modern performances based on traditional vocabulary. The cooperation between Compagnie Walo and Le Grand Cru is strong ever since and did not only result in the development of powerful fusion dancers, but produced some talented choreographers. Currently, Agbossou owns her own studio Multicorps in Cotonou and soon will open a second studio in the satellite city Calavi. Her company created thematic work for international donors and artistic work for the (inter)national market.
- Panel discussion on the discussed topics with the possibility of the audience to ask questions.
Practical information
Date: December 13, 2019
Time: 15:00 - 16:30
Location: Goethe Institute, Herengracht 470, Amsterdam
Language: English
Admission is free but a reservation is required, please reserve your spot by emailing your name and company name to Salomé Richter.
The Culture Talk is organised by Le Grand Cru and DutchCulture.