International visitors: Dmitry Antonov and Anastasiia Iurovetskaia (RUS)
GosNIIR is the state institute for restoration and historical research. Its director Mr. Dmitry Antonov is coming to the Netherlands to meet Dutch heritage professionals. He will be accompanied by researcher and restorer Mrs. Anastasiia Iurovetskaia. Mrs Iurovetskaia will contribute to a restoration workshop at Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL) in Maastricht.
This visitors' programme is organised in collaboration with Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands and the Foundation for Cultural Inventory (SCI). The programme includes meetings with relevant experts of Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Conservation Department, Netherlands Institute for Art History, Reinwardt Academy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Eduaction, Science and Culture.
For more information about this visitors' programme, please contact Remco Vermeulen, Advisor Heritage at DutchCulture: E r.vermeulen@dutchculture.nl.
On Friday 4 March, Mr. Antonov will be our guest for a Visitor's Talk. The meeting starts at 15.00 (end 17.00) and the location is DutchCulture, Herengracht 474 in Amsterdam. Please note that mr Antonov will speak in Russian, translation in Dutch is provided. If you would like to join this meeting, please send a message to Remco Vermeulen; E r.vermeulen@dutchculture.nl