International visitors: heritage delegation from Indonesia

Fort Oranje is a 17th-century Dutch fort located at the center of Ternate City on the island of Ternate, one of the Moluccas in Indonesia.

International visitors: heritage delegation from Indonesia

From 27 May to 29 May, a delegation from Indonesia is visiting the Netherlands for an exchange of experiences on the museological development of forts.
vrijdag 27 - zondag 29 mei 2016

The delegation consists of: Mr. Harry Widianto (director of Heritage Conservation and Museums at the Ministry of Education & Culture), Ms. Dian Irawati (head of Sub-directorate of Special Buildings and Neighbourhood Development at the Ministry of Public Works), Ms. Ibu Nadia Purwestri (executive director of Pusat Dokumentasi Arsitektur), Mr. Maulana Ibrahim (lecturer at Universitas Khairun, Ternate and director of the Ternate Heritage Society) and Mr. Dr. Nasir Tamara (consultant, top journalist and academic).

The delegation will join forces with Dutch experts to set up a plan of action for the museological development of a case study fort, the former Dutch Fort Oranje in Ternate City. This fort is to be a pilot for developing the circa 60 other historic forts in Indonesia. To achieve this, the delegation will visit several forts of the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie and of the Defense Line of Amsterdam and talk with the different initiators and managers. The Embassy of Indonesia in The Hague is hosting an (closed) expert meeting where the Indonesian and Dutch experts will sit down to draft the action plan.

DutchCulture is co-organizing this visit and expert meeting with the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands.