Merits (2022)
Amstel 51
1018 EJ Amsterdam
St Petersburg Hermitage is a state museum located in the old tsarist palace complex on the Neva River. The museum houses a magnificent art collection that includes imperial porcelain, superb Rembrandts, ancient cameos, Madonnas by Da Vinci, marble sculptures by Canova, colourful paintings by Matisse. The Hermitage Amsterdam is managed by the Stichting Hermitage aan de Amstel and has an agreement with the Russian government to produce exhibitions together with the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg. The Stichting Hermitage aan de Amstel commissions the Stichting Producties De Nieuwe Kerk en Hermitage Amsterdam to organise the exhibitions at the Hermitage Amsterdam. The Hermitage Amsterdam is an independent and autonomous legal entity with its own money flows and its own objectives. See also: Hermitage Amsterdam (Project) }} (Project) {{Project-record (Project)