Merits (2019)
Postbus 773
1000 AT Amsterdam
The Mondriaan Fund is the public fund for visual art and cultural heritage in the Netherlands. It enables plans, projects and programmes of artists, exhibition makers and critics, museums and other art and heritage institutions, and publishers and commissioners.
All contributions reinforce the production or presentation of art and heritage from the Netherlands, both at home and abroad, where the market doesn’t do this (yet): precisely there, art and heritage prove themselves as valuable havens of the imagination. The fund stimulates the public commitment and the development of these havens.
The Mondriaan Fund invests over 26 million euro yearly. The majority of this comes from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Hundreds of projects are supported in the Netherlands and abroad every year. Furthermore, the fund offers stimulus programmes for innovation and promotion, motivating and setting the agenda. The Mondriaan Fund employs 41 people. For the assessment of applications, the fund consults 68 external experts.