
Merits (2017)

1 international activity
46/133 ranking within discipline
0 international awards


Other name (in original language)
National Museum of Ethnology

Steenstraat 1
2312 BS Leiden

Stichting Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen (NMW) is founded by a merger between Museum Volkenkunde, Tropenmuseum and Afrikamuseum. The museum ha s a establishment in Leiden, Amsterdam and Berg en Dal. The NMW has ethnographic collections. There is also a collective research centre for material culture. The museum is about humans, and believes that apart from the differences people are the same. With their collections they want to show how cultures are connected with each other and how to give meaning to cultural groups and histories.


Is sub organisation of
National Museum of World Cultures
long description

See also:

  • Shared Cultural Heritage (Project)
  • The following list of publications can be downloaded at [http://www.rmv.nl/index.aspx?lang=en the website of Museum Volkenkunde]:
  • Dressed in ihram. Clothing for the pilgrimage to Mecca (Publication)
  • Painting the past and the future. Barkcloth of the Maisin people of Papua New Guinea (Publication)
  • The East Greenland collections of Gert Nooter (1930-1998) (Publication)
  • Anceaux’s glasses. Anthropological photography since 1860 (Publication)
  • Mexican lacquers from Guerrero (Publication)
  • The Great Basin. The 1883 fieldwork and collection of Herman ten Kate (Publication)
  • Jaap van Zuylen. A Dutchman in East Greenland (Publication)
  • Politcal clothing in Afghanistan (Publication)
  • Playthings in porcelain. Siamese Pee (Publication)
  • Layers of meaning. Clothing on the Amur (Publication)
  • Accidental acquisitions. An early Korean collection (Publication)
  • Signs of the times / Times of the signs. Rock art and circumcision in Songo, Dogon country (Mali) (Publication)
  • Kamoro masks from Papua New Guinea (Publication) Qajar dress from Iran (Publication)
  • 'Something nobler was my motive'. Juan Maria Schuver's travels in Africa (Publication)
  • Navigating culture. The permanent exhibition on Indonesia (Publication)
  • The sentiments of love. Indian miniatures from the Vogel collection (Publication)
  • Religious art from the Southeast Moluccas (Publication) Enggano (Publication)
  • Clothing from East-Greenland (Publication)
  • Sensitive plates. Nineteen Chinese paintings on glass from the 18th century (Publication)