History of the UoC (Formerly UoC)
The University of Curaçao (UoC) was formed by a national decree on the 12 of January 1979 (O.B. 1979 no. 27). The University was established after a number of developments that were very important for this formation. These developments were as follows:
• The Law College of the Netherlands Antilles, where students were trained to take the LL B Antillean Law exam, was established by a national decree dated October 6, 1970 (O.B. 1970 no. 1130).
• A degree program Business Administration was started at this College of Law in 1973 after which a name change to College of the Netherlands Antilles followed in 1974 (O.B. 1974 no. 118). This transformation meant that the possibility was opened to follow a full degree program in law in the Netherlands Antilles that could lead to a Master’s exam and also a degree program in Business Administration, leading led to a Bachelor’s.
• The Department of Business Administration was changed into the Department of Business Administration and Public Administration in 1977, after which students could also obtain a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration.
• Finally, with the foundation of the UoC in 1979, the Antillean College of Technology, which had been established in 1972, was transformed into the Faculty of Engineering, offering students an education to the level of bachelor.
On the 1st of November 2013, by a national decree, UoC's name was changed to University of Curaçao Dr. Moises da Costa Gomez (UoC).