ON HOLD: Call for applications for the Training Sharing Stories on Contested Histories 2020

ON HOLD: Call for applications for the Training Sharing Stories on Contested Histories 2020

The third edition of the Training Sharing Stories on Contested Histories is currently on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic.

How do you tell stories about shared cultural heritage? What should be the role of museums and other cultural institutions in facilitating a dialogical and polyphonic approach towards the presentation of histories that are difficult, perhaps even contested? After two successful editions in 2018 and 2019, the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands and the Reinwardt Academy jointly organise the third edition of the international training ‘Sharing Stories on Contested Histories’. This training originates from the need to gain more expertise on the engagement with contested heritage and explores approaches and tools available to present contested heritage from multiple perspectives.

Set up

During this training, professionals and academics will research the engagement with and presentations by museums of shared cultural heritage topics that might be considered ‘contested’. While exploring various approaches, methods and tools, they will get a new and immersed understanding of the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities for museums presenting contested histories. The programme is case-oriented and practical in its approach, and it consists of practice-based lectures, discussions and talks, fieldtrips to museums, workshops and training sessions, as well as self-study based on selected literature. Tolerance and an open mind are key during dialogues where mutual understanding is at stake, especially in relation to contested cultural heritage and connected histories. Because the trainees will work as professionals amongst professionals, there will be a constant exchange of knowledge, ideas and concepts.

Call for applications on hold

The call for applications for the 2020 edition of the training has been put on hold due to the current coronavirus situation. For more information and to keep up to date with new information, check this website.

For an impression of the 2019 edition see this video.

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