Open Call for emerging curators based in the Netherlands


Open Call for emerging curators based in the Netherlands

Valletta 2018 has published an open call for two curators-in-residence in Malta 24 August-7 September, 2014.

Valletta 2018 Foundation is offering two emerging, independent curators based in the Netherlands, the opportunity to immerse themselves in a different artistic and cultural environment by staying in Malta for 15 days in August-September, 2014 and developing a project involving international artists that will culminate in a curated show in Malta in 2015. The Foundation is responsible for the implementation of the European Capital of Culture in 2018, a title which Valletta is celebrating and sharing with the Dutch city of Leeuwarden.

Throughout their stay, the curators-in-residence will be given relevant information about artists, galleries, and events, and will be assisted with the organisation of meetings with artists based in Malta. They will also be asked to make a presentation about their curatorial ideas and projects during the Curatorial School that will be held during this period, with invited speakers and established curators or academics.

Following their stay in Malta, they will be invited to work on a curatorial proposal for an exhibition in 2015 that brings together Maltese and other international artists. Only one of the proposals will be selected, on the basis of its innovative outlook on local and international artistic practices.

Application deadline is 21 April.
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