Forum on European Culture 2018

Tijdens het Forum on European Culture zet schrijver Arnon Grunberg samen met fotograaf Richard Mosse, componist Ben Frost en vluchtelingen van Makers Unite de vluchtelingencrisis in een radicaal nieuw licht in het Stedelijk Museum.

Forum on European Culture 2018

DutchCulture en De Balie organiseren de tweede editie van Forum on European Culture onder de titel Act for Democracy!

DutchCulture organiseert in samenwerking met De Balie van 31 mei t/m 3 juni voor de tweede keer het Forum on European Culture. Dit jaar is het thema Act For Democracy! We roepen kunstenaars en denkers vanuit de hele wereld op om te reflecteren op de toekomst van Europa. Alessandro Baricco, Santiago Sierra, Asli Erdogan, Rem Koolhaas, Ulrike Guérot, WENDE en vele anderen nemen het podium.

Uit de ruim 25 programma’s die het Forum rijk is, hieronder een selectie van programma’s waarin internationale thema’s en de blik van buitenaf op kunst en cultuur in Europa centraal staat.

Defining International Fair Cooperation / 1 June / 16:30 / De Balie Salon
How to realise international fair practice for artistic and cultural cooperation? During this meetup, IETM, the largest performing arts network in the world, will present the toolkit for international artistic and intercultural engagement. This toolkit was developed in collaboration with DutchCulture and On The Move to address and create awareness about inequality and privilege in international cultural projects and cooperation. After the presentation a panel will discuss better ways to cooperate internationally. With Sanaa El Younsi (Conservator at the Musée Yves Saint Laurent, Marrakech, Morocco), Annissa Gultom (Curator at the Museum Tribuana Komunika, Indonesia), Stefanie Sewotaroeno (Poet and Board Member of the Bob Saridin Institute – Association for the Commemoration of Javanese Immigration, Suriname), and others.

The 21st Century Museum: A place where cultures meet? / 1 June / 17:00 / Bellevue
Museums over the world struggle to become more culturally diverse ranging from their visitors, programmes and exhibitions, to the management teams of museums and cultural organizations. How do museum professionals deal with this struggle? And how can museums – in Europe and the Arab world – build bridges both within and beyond societies? A dialogue between museum professionals from Europe and the Arab world, with Reem Fadda, Salama Al Shamsi, Achim Borchardt-Hume, Hissa Al Dhaheri, Wim Pijbes and others.

The Art of Regionalism / 2 June / 14:30 / De Balie Salon
All over Europe we see regions that proudly distinguish themselves from national culture, thereby rejecting the nation-state as a whole. In cooperation with Leeuwarden 2018 (European Capital of Culture 2018) we discuss the strength of regional identity and culture in Europe.Together with artists from several ‘proud’ regions (including Friesland), we will examine the power of regional culture and its impact on the nation state and the future of Europe.

Russia: a part of Europe or apart from Europe? / 3 June / 15:00 / Frascati
We tend to overlook Russia when discussing the future of European democracy, whereas 77 percent of the Russian population lives on European territory. A missed opportunity, since Europe can no longer afford to consider the future of European collaboration and democracy solely from a Western-European perspective. Russian thinkers and artists reflect on Europe’s future and on how the ideological question of Russia being a part of or apart from Europe resonates in their ideas and work.

Ook kunnen we van harte aanbevelen:

Give us the museum! / 1 June / 19:00 / Stedelijk Museum
Photographer Richard Mosse, composer Ben Frost, writer Arnon Grunberg and artists and designers from Makers Unite who recently fled to Europe present the refugee crisis in a radical new light during a Friday night at Stedelijk.

Faith in Europe: is Europe losing its soul? / 3 June / 11:00 / Concertgebouw
In collaboration with Nederlands Kamerkoor we dive into Europe’s history in search of its Christian, pan-religious or Enlightenment roots. With music from Nederlands Kamerkoor’s spectacular project 150 Psalms.

Europa: “Wir Schaffen Das!” / 2 June / 20:00 / Concertgebouw
Germany has always played a central role in Europe: for Europe, there is no way around Germany. As Angela Merkel just started her fourth term, leading political thinkers, creatives and politicians will join us and explore the cultural and political role of Germany in Europe. With music from WENDE.

Het hele programma van Forum on European Culture is hier te vinden.

Voor meer informatie:  

Saskia Legein | Communicatie
Robert Kieft | Programmamaker
Lenka Boswijk | Programmamaker
Lisa Grob | Programmamaker

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