Happy campers from China


Happy campers from China

A group of twenty Chines artists will visit the Netherlands next week. This is their final destination after crossing the continents with...campers

The Chinese art caravan project explores an art 'Silk Road' and is trying to build a Sino-Western bridge through art created on the road.

The group departed from the Guozhong Art Museum, located in the widly-known Songzhuang art village in the outskirts of Beijing. On Tuesday 23 June, we will welcome the group in Amsterdam, together with the Chinese Embassy. In Amsterdam, the artists will visit the Van Gogh Museum.

On 25 June, the Chinese caravan will head to the South of the Netherlands for a visit to the Van Gogh Huis in Zundert. Here, in 'Vincent's homeland', the artists will create new work and meet local artists in residence.

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