Ian Yang
Advisor - China I Japan I South Korea
i.yang [at] dutchculture.nl

[Open Call] 2016 Festival of William Shakespeare in Shanghai


[Open Call] 2016 Festival of William Shakespeare in Shanghai

The 2016 Festival of William Shakespeare in Shanghai calls for international theatre productions. Deadline for applications is 30 April 2016.

In the year 2016, William Shakespeare, the beloved master of theatre, will continue to astound us on his 400 years anniversary of his death. Even though Shakespeare's first productions were enjoyed by audiences more than 400 years ago, his works are still alive with the energy of life.

Performed in modern theatre productions and translated for the benefit of theatre audiences all over the world, his works continue to delight. The 2016 Festival of William Shakespeare, co-hosted by International Theatre Institute (ITI), Shanghai Theatre Academy and Chinese Dramatists Society, will commemorate the rich, spiritual contributions offered by Shakespeare by combining the worlds of Chinese Theatre and Foreign Theatre into one festival – thereby reaching and enriching both foreign theatre audiences and Chinese theatre audiences.

The Festival will be held in Shanghai from 11 to 17 September 2016. The festival will include a combined program of more than ten pieces from both masters, produced by international and local professional performance groups or by Theatre University groups from all over the world. During the festival, all delegates are invited to a conference on the theme of 'Shakespeare and Contemporary China'.

The organizers invite local and international theatre productions to make a preliminary application to the Festival Committee giving details of your production no later than 30 April 2016. For more information, please go to the website of Shanghai Theatre Academy

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