Meeting on Olympic Games and cultural cooperation with Brazil


Meeting on Olympic Games and cultural cooperation with Brazil

DutchCulture is working with the Netherlands Fund for the Performing Arts to organise a meeting about the Dutch Olympic cultural programme in Rio de Janeiro.
donderdag 26 mei 2016 14:30

The current political and economic developments in Brazil raise the question of what this means for the Brazilian cultural sector and international cooperation. The recently dissolved Ministry of Culture of Brazil’s interim government will be reinstated after artists protest, and headed by the new Minister Marcelo Calero.

Meanwhile, preparations for the Olympic Games in August 2016 continue steadily and years of cultural investments in Rio de Janeiro begin to bear fruit. The Netherlands contributes to sustainable cooperation with Brazil through a unique Olympic cultural exchange programme.

Ten Dutch and ten Brazilian artists from ten disciplines are forming duos who will be making works of art together in Rio de Janeiro.

Guests are Júlia Moreira, project manager of the exhibition Soft Power. Arte Brasil. at Kunsthal KAdE (May to August 2016), and visual artist Marcos Chaves from Rio de Janeiro. They elaborate on recent developments in the Brazilian cultural sector and opportunities for cooperation with the Netherlands.

The Brazilian-Dutch exchange programme will also be presented, at which point the selected participants will take the floor to share their plans and preparatory actions. Afterwards there will be an opportunity for networking.

Elsemieke Havenga, former Olympic champion and TV presenter, moderates the meeting.

NOTE Our guest Marcelo Calero which we previously announced as keynote speaker in the meeting’s programme unfortunately had to cancel his participation after accepting the position of Minister of Culture in Brazil's interim government.

Practical information
Date: Thursday, 26 May 2016
Time: 2:30 - 4 PM (doors open at 2 PM), followed by an opportunity for networking until 5 PM
Location: Korzo, Prinsestraat 42, The Hague
Language: English and Dutch
Participation is free
Apply: with the application form