Heritage Webinar Series: 'Voices of Indonesia'

Fort Benteng van den Bosch, Nigawa, Indonesia. Photo by Nugroho via Wikimedia Commons
Fort Benteng van den Bosch, Nigawa, Indonesia.
Nugroho via Wikimedia Commons

Heritage Webinar Series: 'Voices of Indonesia'

Starting 22 September, Heritage hands-on and Indonesia Diaspora Netherlands present a webinar series on the shared history of Indonesia and the Netherlands.

The Amsterdam-based Indonesian initiative Heritage hands-on and the Indonesia Diaspora Netherlands present a webinar series called Voices of Indonesia on the shared history of Indonesia and the Netherlands with an emphasis on its living connection with today's younger generation in both countries. The aim of this webinar series is to build understanding about the shared history and its multiple facets through regular communication, which will be helpfully manifested by the webinars.

Besides, the webinar series' goal is to share voices from Indonesia to the Netherlands to update the public and decision-makers in the Netherlands about the latest development of the shared heritage in Indonesia. By doing so, Heritage hands-on and Indonesia Diaspora Netherlands hope to contribute to bilateral relations between Indonesia and the Netherlands in the effort to build bridges between the two countries.

Heritage Webinar Series 1 - Restoration of The Fort van den Bosch

The first webinar of Voices of Indonesia will be dedicated to the Dutch Fort van den Bosch which is founded in 1839 and located on the border of Central and East Java in the small town Ngawi. The fort is currently controlled by the military. Several years ago discussions on a cooperation agreement between the military and the Ngawi district government, resulted in efforts to develop and re-use this fort. Currently, a restoration process for the Van den Bosch fort is in progress. The effort to preserve this fort is a good example of the collaboration between the central government, local government, military, and universities.

For further information and/or to register for this webinar, please visit Eventbrite or contact our Indonesia Advisor Remco Vermeulen.

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