Brazilian Architecture schools

Brazilian Architecture schools


As Brazil became urbanized, the number of architecture schools grew. The first professional academy appeared in Rio de Janeiro in 1921 and formed the basis of the present Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil. The barely ten courses on architecture at the beginning of 1960 were transformed into what today are almost two hundred schools of higher learning, teaching architecture and urban planning in Brazil.

This report aims to give insight in contemporary Brazilian architecture, discussing issues and projects of the 21th century. The first part presents 10 contemporary Brazilian issues that are of great importance in cultural, environmental and socio-political terms. In general, the criterion for the selection of projects were the most relevant achievements in relation to Brazil and the Netherlands, paying attention to young professionals, whenever possible. Additionally, the chapter general information lists the most important professional entities, educational institutions, cultural centers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), publishers, magazines and portals specialized in architecture and urbanism. It provides a brief history and description of the main goals and activities, critical comments about the latest achievements of each institution and actions to be taken in the near future.


 history, architecture, brazilian culture