Amor; loving and being in love
Sunday 13 February 2011 00:00
About being in love and loving someone; Tropentheater Amterdam; 12+
Being in love, kissing, loving someone... none of these are bound by age. The performance Amor asks questions of young people and old people. Their moving, surprising, sad, and joyful stories about love form the heart of the show. Teatro Munganga makes compelling theatre using evocative, poetic and very physical theatrical language. The group wants the powerful life forces to be seen, heard and felt: the miracle of daily life.
Amor is a meeting of generations and of art forms such as mime, dance, puppetry, music and film. The cast, aged from 23 to almost 80 and directed by Cláudia Maoli, face the challenge of searching for love in all its various guises.
Price € 9.00 ( € 5.00)