Christmas concert - Anderske Kaspersma


Christmas concert - Anderske Kaspersma

Tuesday 2 December 2014 00:00

On the 2nd  of December Anderske Kaspersma will perform in a special Christmas concert. Kaspersma, a soprano who currently lives in Istanbul, previously performed in recitals, operas, and children’s plays in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. She has been living in Istanbul for seven years now, teaches both private students and at the Istanbul International School in Çamlıca, and devoted several years to the motherhood. But since blood is thicker than water, she started singing soprano again after she met Önder Cebeci, a colleague and pianist. Now they form a duo, and Önder also leads Anderske’s women’s choir in Istanbul, with which she performed in Moda All Saints Church, the Dutch Chapel of the Consulate General, and the Union Church in Istanbul.

During this special Christmas concert on the 2nd of December, soprano and piano pieces of Bach, Faure, Cornelius, Poulenc en Adam can be heard. The concert starts at 19:30 in the concerthall of the Notre Dame de Sion, Cumhurriyet Cd, Harbiye.