Exhibition - Just Hungry / Roeki Symons
Pg Art Gallery is proud to present the solo show titled ‘Just Hungry’ of Dutch artist Roeki Symons that runs from 1November until 28 November.
With the exhibition Roeki Symons shows different aspects of the challenge to live in a big city where everybody is ‘just hungry’. Hungry for money, sex, security, information, identity, poetry, love and freedom. The challenge is to face the many dilemmas of urban life with courage and creativity
Symons presents her observations in an amalgam of painting, printing, photography and embroidery. A series of cartoonish images deals with the undercurrent of fear that pervades the city. Various subjects appear in other works, like the dissection of a bodybuilder in consumable parts and the headache of living in an anonymous high-rise. Roeki Symons confronts the viewer with somewhat painful aspects of everyday life, but with humor and compassion and an inspiring optimism.