Green Art Lab Alliance workshop on green issues for the sustainable support of cultural mobility


Green Art Lab Alliance workshop on green issues for the sustainable support of cultural mobility

This workshop targets EU funders and cultural policy makers interested in including green criteria in the way they support cultural mobility in particular.
Wednesday 12 March 2014 00:00

On 12-13 March 2014, the Green Art Lab Alliance will host a workshop on green issues for the sustainable support of cultural mobility in Berlin, Germany. On the Move, Julie’s Bicycle and DutchCulture¦TransArtists co-organise the workshop together with local partners ITI-Germany and IGBK.

Sholeh Johnston from Julie’s Bicycle is tutor of the training.
“This workshop will provide an overview of various approaches taken to embed environmental criteria into cultural funding. We will share the tools, resources and methodology used by example funding bodies, such as the Arts Council England, which has embedded criteria around environmental reporting into funding agreements since 2012. We will cover case studies of how cultural organisations are interpreting environmental sustainability and the potential impact of policy in aiding and supporting this work, with a focus on touring, residencies and other mobility-related work. There will be ample opportunity for discussion and thinking through how these learnings can be practically applied in various European contexts,” explained Sholeh Johnston.

Along with this workshop a training for ecological and sustainable cultural work will take place, entitled ‘Training sustainability!’. This training – supported by the German Federal Cultural Foundation (Kulturstiftung des Bundes) – targets leaders and stakeholders in the performing arts. Experiences will be shared and synergies will be created at a joined introductory presentation by Julie’s Bicycle and at a ‘Green Salon’ on 12 March 2014. The participants will also get a chance to visit in Berlin cultural and “green” places, including UFA Fabrik.

Further information
Presentation of the Green Art Lab Alliance on
Berlin workshop on