Hüseyin Badilli Quintet & Bilal Karaman - Erman Dirikcan & Aydin Esen

Hüseyin Badilli Quintet & Bilal Karaman - Erman Dirikcan & Aydin Esen

Friday 27 - Sunday 29 April 2012

Hüseyin Badilli Quintet & Bilal Karaman

Born in Turkey, living in Rotterdam, Hüseyin Badilli mixes jazz with Turkish music in a way only someone with his background can: he learned traditional Turkish music in his childhood, studied Western classical singing in college and moved across the globe to discover what jazz is all about. Hüseyin Badilli is the composer, singer and leader of the Hüseyin Badilli Quintet, which first came together at the end of 2009 and was soon invited to play at various important jazz and world music festivals. Hüseyin played during Turkey Now! 2010 and comes back to officially release his first studio album. Bilal Karaman has played the guitar since he was eleven and performs classical music, but uses electronics to. After learning musical notation he soon started to compose. He studied at Bilgi University and later took workshops in Austria with Wolfgang Muthspiel, one of the best guitarists of this time. He played with many great names, including guitarist Mike Moreno. Now 28, he has developed a unique style on the fretless guitar. He performs a classical repertoire, but also delves into Turkish folk music and jazz, combined with electronic experiments and improvisations. Karaman is a true musical carnivore who is active all over the world.

Erman Dirikcan & Aydin Esen

Jazz connoisseurs and world music enthusiasts appreciate the world jazz of the talented musicians of the Erman Dirikcan Trio, who are inspired by melodies from every corner of the world. The trio has performed in clubs regularly for over two years and continuously endeavour to refine their music.Erman Dirikcan comes from Turkey and plays the electric guitar.The Hungarian Benedek Kiss performs on bass and the Flemish Tuur Moens whacks his drums with great precision and flexibility.The three find common ground in their love of adventure.A subdued use of electronics gives the musicians access to an extensive musical range. Beautiful call-and-response sections create an appealing tension. Aydin Esen is a composer, musician and electronic music expert.For years he has worked with globally renowned musicians such as vibraphone veteran Gary Burton and the virtuoso bass player Miroslav Vitous, whom you may know from ECM albums.He also worked with tabla player Trilok Gurtu. Esen has recorded many albums, both with Vitous and with the Brazilian Sergio Brandao. Esen has received innumerable awards for his compositions and musical achievements in the electronic music genre.