Pandomime, Mask and Marionette


Pandomime, Mask and Marionette

Sunday 17 November 2013 00:00

The Theater van de Droom (Theatre of Dreams) give life to an expressive form of mime theatre, this is intensified by the use of costumes and props.

The different solo performances, with titles such as Harlekinade, Panopticum, Pierrot, The Jester, Monsieur Grisaille, The Skirt, Animus and Anima, The King, Beard man, The Coat, Brammert & Beertje and The Box each breathe a poetic atmosphere and are absurd but humorous at the same time…

The performance is entirely without text and often in complete silence. The show can be enjoyed as a mysterious dream with the strangest figures and images that keep lingering in the mind.

17 Kasım / November 2013


  • Maya Cüneyt Türel Sahnesi
  • Adres: İstiklal Cad. Halep Pasajı, Kat 2 Beyoğlu
  • Oyunun süresi / Duration: 45 dak. / min.
  • Yaş grubu / Suitable age : 6 +
  • Dil/Language: Sözsüz / Without
  • Biletler/Tickets: 15 TL