Seminar creative clusters with live broadcasts


Seminar creative clusters with live broadcasts

Thursday 27 - Friday 28 June 2013

The objective of the international seminar is to shed light on the various meanings of a creative cluster. The seminar will showcase inspirational ideas from different countries, in a series of different creative sectors and city profiles, to stress their common traits: strategy, governance, Key Performance Indicators, social involvement, capacitation etc., and will try to stimulate companies, public managers and the civil society to be more open and involved in debates around the role of creative clusters in our cities.

One of the speakers at the seminar will be Anne Mieke Eggenkamp, former director of the Design Academy in the Netherlands. She will showcase Eindhoven - From cluster design to socio-economic reflourishment.

Other speakers are for example Simon Evans, director of the Creative Clusters Conference and Network from the UK and Rasmus Wiinstedt Tscherning, Managing Director of the Center for Culture & Experience Economy in Copenhagen. Ana Carla Fonseca Reis from Brazil, Special Adviser for the Creative Economy for the UN, is curator of the seminar.

Find the whole programme (in Portuguese) on

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Thursday 27 June 2013 19.30-21.40 hrs local time (Netherlands: 00.30-2.40 hrs)

Friday 28 June 2013 9.00-18.30 hrs local time (Netherlands: 14.00-23.30 hrs)