First five projects receive matching funding

First five projects receive matching funding

One of the new tasks for DutchCulture is to allocate the mutual cultural heritage matching funds among Dutch organizations. These funds are meant to inspire and support initiatives that increase visibility or coherence of mutual heritage activities. Together with the programme council, we selected five projects.

The projects that have been awarded are:

The Empire Project; a multimedia installation on the unintended consequences of Dutch colonialism.

Digital repository in European colonial architecture, which will form an important source on colonial architecture and town planning in former European colonies. 

A documentary on VOC postal stones in Madagascar that tells the stories of sailors traveling between the Netherlands and the East.

A graphic novel on slavery heritage, that will help teens understand and comprehend slavery and its heritage.

Archaeological survey for slaveship Leusden. The ship sank close to Suriname with almost all of its 664 captives.

This fall there will be a new opportunity to apply for support from the mutual heritage matching funds. To learn more about the matching funds, please visit our website or email Veysel Yuce at v.yuce (at)

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