

Anafartalar Mahallesi, Altınsoy Cad. No:3
06101 Altındağ - Ankara/Ankara

At CerModern Arts Center our aim is to serve many people as possible in Ankara and have close relations with the public. Our priority is make our visitors meet with modern art in all it’s mediums while the purpose of each exhibition is to be understandable for everyone as we aim to give our visitors a clear knowledge upon their visiting experience here.

Like all modern art establishments, CerModern Arts Center is a project that brings together schools and colleges; it creates a collaboration between intellectual, aesthetic, emotional unity and high level of understanding.

CerModern is a ‘living and breathing art space’ and we believe we are always renewed, innovative, versatile, dynamic and active. We take benefİt from modern opportunities of education and communication in order to get get the public and art works together.