

Other name (in original language)
Uitvoeringsorganisatie Twinningfaciliteit Suriname

Europalaan 40
3526 KS Utrecht

UTSN (Implementation Organization Twinning Facility Suriname) is a partnership between consultancy firm Berenschot and NIKOS (NGO Institute for Framework Development and Research in Suriname).

At the end of 2016, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided to once again award the management of Twinning Facility II to UTSN for the period 2017-2020.

UTSN is responsible for the legal and efficient management of the financial resources made available to the Twinning Facility. Every project funded by UTSN will be assigned its own monitoring advisor. The team of project consultants consists of experts from both Berenschot (the Netherlands) and NIKOS (Suriname).