Merits (2019)
Date(s) Sort ascending | Type | Discipline | Venue | City | Country | Title |
- | Screening | Audiovisual Media | Seoul International NewMedia Festival | Seoul | South Korea | Latency Contemplation 5 |
- | Screening | Audiovisual Media | Seoul International NewMedia Festival | Seoul | South Korea | The View from Nowhere |
Meeting | Media & Digital Art | Seoul International NewMedia Festival | Seoul | South Korea | Curator Talk by Sanneke Huisman from LIMA at The 18th Seoul International NewMedia Festival, 19-08-2018 | |
Meeting | Media & Digital Art | Seoul International NewMedia Festival | Seoul | South Korea | Talk by LIMA at Seoul International NewMedia Festival, Seoul, 19-08-2018 | |
Meeting | Media & Digital Art | Seoul International NewMedia Festival | Seoul | South Korea | ||
- | Other | Audiovisual Media | Indiespace | Seoul | South Korea | Judging candidate EIDF Winners 2018 by LIMA at Indiespace, Seoul, 16-08-2018 - 23-08-2018 |
Date(s) Sort ascending | Artist | Type | Discipline | Title |
Zinzi & Evertjan | Performance - Stage | Circus & Outdoor Arts | Il n'est pas encore minuit | |
Zinzi & Evertjan | Performance - Stage | Circus & Outdoor Arts | Il n'est pas encore minuit |