Creative Europe conferences during the International Film Festival Rotterdam

Still uit Borgman (2013) van regisseur Alex van Warmerdam.

Creative Europe conferences during the International Film Festival Rotterdam

On 28 January, The European Commission in cooperation with CineMart is organising two conferences on Creative Europe.

Both conferences are in Rotterdam, on the occassion of the International Film Festival Rotterdam. The topic of the first conference is audience development. In the afternoon, the scope will be the integration of MEDIA Mundus in Creative Europe and the new support scheme to co-production funds.

10.30 - 13.00
Everything you always wanted to know about the audience
Venue: Doelenzaal, Van Cappellen Zaal, ground floor
Registration: send an email to

One of the main objectives for the Creative Europe programme is to develop new audiences for European films. In order to find out more about European film audiences, a consumer study was carried out for the European Commission in 2013. The results of the study will be presented by David Graham (Attentional) and Arnaud Dupont (Headway International). The presentation will be followed by a discussion that should provide input for the Commission in preparing policy initiatives within audience development. Film scholars Elizabeth Prommer  and Ian Christie,  Sarah Calderon (The Film Agency) Hrvoje Hribar (Croatian Audiovisual Centre) and Claus Noer Hjorth (Danish Film Institute) will discuss audience strategies with you.

14.30 - 16.30
From MEDIA Mundus to Creative Europe. The international dimension of European support to the film industry.
Venue: De Doelen, Van Cappellen Zaal, ground floor
Registration: send an email to

Information session answering questions regarding the integration of MEDIA Mundus in Creative Europe and the new support scheme to co-production funds:

  • What is the international strategy behind Creative Europe - MEDIA?  Keynote address by Xavier Troussard.
  • Presentation of the achievements of MEDIA Mundus 2011-2013 (Emmanuel Cocq) ,
  • The international actions in Creative Europe- MEDIA (Soon-Mi Peten)
  • The new support to international co-production funds (Matteo Solaro).
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