Ian Yang
Advisor - China I Japan I South Korea
i.yang [at] dutchculture.nl

Delegation of Dutch museum experts visits China

China is building museums in a steady pace of an average of 100 new museums per year. French architect Jean Nouvel has made the design for the new building of the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC) in Beijing's Olympic Park, near the Herzog & de Meuron-designed Birds Nest stadium.
Jean Nouvel
Visual Arts

Delegation of Dutch museum experts visits China

From 11 to 17 May, a delegation of Dutch experts will visit Beijing to contribute to a museum management training for Chinese curators and managers.

The Sino-Dutch Museum Management Training follows from the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that was signed in 2014 by the Ministers of culture from both countries. A large group of curators and managers from significant Chinese museums will attend the training programme, which includes lectures, workshops and fieldwork on topics like collection management and exhibition development.

Members of the delegation are representatives from the Van Gogh Museum and the Reinwardt Academy of Museology. They will be accompanied by Mr. Sander Bersee, Director Arts and Heritage in the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Mr. Kees Somer, senior Policy Advisor in the Arts and Heritage department in the Ministry and Monique Knapen en Ian Yang from DutchCulture.

Participating public museums include the National Museum of China, the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC), the recently opened Tianjian Art Museum, the Nanjing City Museum, the Guandong Museum of Arts and private museums like Shanghai's YuZ Art Museum, Sifang Art Museum in Nanjing.


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