Ordu (0452)

Ordu (0452)

Ordu has a population of 135,878 (2008). Today the population consists of ethnic Turks, Caucasians, a few Muslim Armenians (Hamshenis), and a very few Greeks descendants.

In the STGM database a total of 39 NGO’s was listed of which 4 were dedicated to education, 2 to culture and 1 to arts. There was one ‘offshore’ project in Ordu.

-          The Ordu Municipality Black Sea Theater Group, one of the first Turkish theaters outside of a major cities, was founded in 1964 by Muhsin Ertuğrul.

-          Ordu international guitar festival 2006. Local music is typical of the Black Sea region, including the kemençe.

-          The international children and youth theatre festival in June

-          Culture: Gürgentepe Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği

-          Theatre: Karadeniz Tiyotralar Derneği (KTD)

-          Art: Ordu Sanatevi Derneği (ORSEV)