Youth as a market
Most youth projects supported by the private sector focus on youth as a market. Accordding to Youth Republic (the biggest youth marketing agency in Turkey), children in Turkey have an influence on the decisions in the household of what is bought, and therefore may indirectly help to create an increase in sales (which is relevant for fashion, design etc.). Unfortunately, students and youth that are not part of the higher socio-economic classes are of no interest to commercial parties, and therefore this group is often overlooked. However, there are a lot of opportunities to develop projects with youth from other social-economic classes because they are open to and interested in (expressing themselves by means of) culture, and most parts of Turkish society are very supportive of any project that addresses the cultural needs of Turkish youth. Especially youth that has little avenues open to them to develop, need support from cultural actors to find ways to express themselves and give them self-confidence. Cultural projects can help these youth develop social and cultural skills that can expand their choices in life.