Dance Writer app at FILE TABLETS 2012

Dance Writer app at FILE TABLETS 2012

Tuesday 10 April - Sunday 13 May 2012

FILE RIO 2012 inaugurates FILE Tablet in Rio de Janeiro city!

FILE Tablet exhibits applications that propose new ways of interpreting the real, new reasoning games. What was only a digital book is definitely revolutionizing the mobile technology, and FILE accompanies this revolution!

Among the participants of FILE TABLET is the Dutch / American project Dance Writer

Complete list of Participants of FILE TABLET:

Aircord: Toshiyuki Hashimoto, Masato Tsutsui & Koichiro Mori - Reflection [Japan]

Alex Komarov & Sergey Rachok - Accordion [United States / Russia]

Cipher Prime Studios - Auditorium [United States]

Cruz-Diez Foundation - Interactive Random Experience [Venezuela]

Daniel Lutz - Colorbind [Switzerland]

Fingerlab: Antoine Lepoutre & Aurélien Potier - Multipong [France]

Jason Waters - Spirogrow [United States]

Jay Silver & Eric Rosenbaum - Singing Fingers [United States]

Nate Murray & TJ Fuller - Ipad Game for Cats [United States]

Pavel Doichev - Art in Motion [United States]

Pavel Doichev - Line Art / Tesla [United States]

Rob Fielding - Mugician [United States]

RunSwimFly - Richard Harrison - Gloop [Australia]

Scott Snibbe - Antograph / Myrmegraph / Bubble Harp / Gravilux /

Osciloscoop / Tripolar [United States]

Smule - Magic Fiddle [United States]

Spaces of Play: Mattias Ljungstrom, Marek Plichta, Andreas Zecher & Martin Strak - Spirits [Germany]

Ted Davis - Text2Image [United States]

Typotheque / Resolume - Dance Writer [NetherlandS]