São Paulo State Youth Symphony Orchestra


São Paulo State Youth Symphony Orchestra

Friday 22 - Sunday 24 August 2014

In August, 108 youngsters from São Paulo are travelling to the Dutch capital to perform during Grachtenfestival Amsterdam. These young musicians are part of the Guri Santa Marcelina project, which gives tens of thousands of children from São Paulo the chance to have several hours of music lessons per week. The project has been set up by the São Paulo conservatory, the Escola de Música do Estado de São Paulo (EMESP). The most talented musicians are finally selected to study at the conservatory.

The Amsterdam Conservatorium started a collaboration with EMESP, sharing knowledge and expertise, teachers and students with one another. See also /node/203222.

The São Paulo State Youth Symphony Orchestra will be playing an evening of French masterpieces in the Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ on Friday 22 August at 20:15 hrs. The talented wind instrumentalists of the orchestra give a special farewell concert on Sunday 24 August at 11:00 hrs at Timorplein.

More information at www.grachtenfestival.nl