DutchCulture and OCT renew cooperation


DutchCulture and OCT renew cooperation

(press release) 

DutchCulture and OCT renew cooperation

From 3 to 8 December, Director-General for Culture and Media from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Ms. Marjan Hammersma led a Dutch cultural delegation visiting China. Upon her first trip to Beijing, Ms. Hammersma met her counterpart from the Chinese Ministry of Culture to discuss further on an upcoming MoU between the two Ministries. The Director of DutchCulture, centre for international cooperation Mr. Cees de Graaff, and Head of its China Desk Ms. Monique Knapen joined the delegation. Within a month's time beforehand, DutchCulture's China Desk had participated in and assisted the preparation for the Dutch delegation's China visit.

After Beijing, the delegation headed southward for the city of Shenzhen in China's Guangdong Province. On 6 December, DutchCulture signed a renewed Framework Contract with Shenzhen-based Overseas Chinese Town (OCT) Group. As the infrastructural supporting organization of the Netherlands' international cultural policy, DutchCulture (former SICA) has in the past three years successfully initiated or facilitated big-scaled cultural projects e.g. exhibitions and performances, together with the cultural initiatives of OCT Group - OCT Contemporary Art Terminal (OCAT), OCT Loft, etc. The new contract is a further step to strengthen the friendly and internationally influential collaboration between the two partners since right after the Shanghai Expo in 2010, as well as a new milestone in Dutch-Chinese cultural exchange and cooperation.

The signing ceremony was held in the headquarter of OCT Group, after which, upon invitation the Dutch delegation relocated to attend the grand opening of 2013 Shenzhen-Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (UABB), co-curated by Dutch architect Ole Bouman and his team. 



 由荷兰王国教育文化与科技部文化和媒体总干事玛尔扬·哈默思玛(Marjan Hammersma)女士领衔,一支荷兰文化代表团于12月3日至8日访问中国。这是哈默思玛女士首次访华,她在北京与中国文化部相关领导会面,并进一步商讨两国文化部不久将签署的谅解备忘录事宜。荷兰国际文化合作中心(DutchCulture, centre for international cooperation)主任凯思(Cees de Graaff)先生及中国部主任莫妮卡(Monique Knapen)女士随行。过去一个月中,荷兰国际文化合作中心中国部大力参与了这次访华代表团的准备工作。


合作协议签约仪式在华侨城集团总部举行。当天下午,荷兰文化代表团随后前往深圳蛇口,应邀出席2013深港城市\建筑双城双年展开幕仪式。该双年展其中一支策展团队由荷兰建筑师奥雷·伯曼(Ole Bouman)领衔。

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