Meeting Mr. Patrick de Vries, Dutch Cultural Attaché in China


Meeting Mr. Patrick de Vries, Dutch Cultural Attaché in China


On 28 January 2014, please join Dutch Cultural Attaché in China, Mr. Patrick de Vries, and Program Director of DutchCulture's China Desk, Ms. Monique Knapen, for a presentation and discussion on the creative and cultural sector of China and the immense opportunities it holds.

Representatives from various public funds in Dutch cultural sector (Performing Arts Fund NL, The Netherlands Film Fund, Creative Industries Fund NL, Mondriaan Fund and the Dutch Foundation for Literature) will also be presented and introduce their cooperative activities and initiatives in China.



China - New horizons, new opportunities

A country rapidly evolving in unprecedented scale and pace, China is worth paying attention to and exploring. China sees the cultural and creative industries as a key building block in its economy in the years to come. It forms a playground, a laboratory for new ideas on how to improve society, cities and life. China has the will and economic strength to collaborate with foreign counterparts and views the Netherlands more and more as a reliable partner with creative and innovative mindset.

Furthermore, over the last couple of years, the Chinese government has built countless theatres, opera houses, cinemas, concert halls, museums and creative centres across the country as well as setting up a large number of cultural events in an effort to put culture on the map of each and every city in China. Obtaining sufficient content for all of these venues and manifestations and bringing them to an international level to align with the demand of the Chinese public is particularly where opportunities for the Netherlands can be found.

Learn more about the cultural agenda of the Dutch embassy in Beijing and DutchCulture, centre for international cooperation for 2014 and beyond - for instance, a special cultural "Dutch Season" planned for the autumn of 2014, and gain insight into what it means to work in/with China and the growing potential of Chinese cultural sector.


Program on 28 Jan 2014 (Tuesday):


Welcome word and presentation by Monique Knapen (Program Director China Desk, DutchCulture, centre for international cooperation)


Presentation by Patrick de Vries (Cultural Attaché, Dutch Embassy in China)


Introduction by representatives from various Dutch cultural funds


Open individual discussion with the audience



De Theaterschool Amsterdam (Jodenbreestraat 3, 1011 NG Amsterdam) 



Please send an email to by 23 January to register into the event.

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