Report on Public Event 28 Jan 2014


Report on Public Event 28 Jan 2014


In the afternoon of 28 January 2014, DutchCulture, centre for international cooperation organized an information and network event at De Theaterschool Amsterdam on occasion of the visit of Mr. Patrick de Vries (Head of Press, Culture and Education Department, Dutch Embassy in China) back to the Netherlands.

More than 70 cultural and art professionals from various fields attended, the event was opened by Ms. Bridget Kievits (Vice-President Executive Board, Amsterdam School of the Arts - AHK) with a welcoming speech. She referred to the importance of cultural cooperation with China nowadays by introducing the multidisciplinary educational collaboration between AHK and its Chinese counterparts. 

In a following presentation of detail, Ms. Monique Knapen (Program Director China Desk, DutchCulture) introduced to the attendees the function of DutchCulture, centre for international cooperation, as an infrastructural supporting organization for Dutch international cultural policy, and specifically, the work of its China Desk and the enterprise of cultural exchange between the Netherlands and China.

By showing a photo series taken in China, Mr. Patrick de Vries then shared his work experience as the Dutch 'cultural attache' in Beijing. He introduced and elaborated several focal cultural themes of the Embassy's support to Dutch institutions and professionals to cooperate with their Chinese partners - namely film coproduction, museum management, creative industries and electronic/DJ music.

After Mr. de Vries' presentation, the floor was open to the audience, moderated by Mr. Laurens Runderkamp (Coordinator Clusters Makers and Docents, De Theaterschool). The proposed questions arranged from general 'mapping', e.g. China's theatre market situation, to specific issues related to an ongoing collaborative project.

Later on, representative officers from various Dutch cultural funds: Mr. Pieter Zeeman (Performing Arts Fund NL), Ms. Mayke Jongsma (Mondriaan Fund), Mr. Martijn van der Mark (Creative Industries Fund NL) and Mr. Pieter Fleury (The Netherlands Film Fund) briefly introduced their updated policies, regulations and focuses, especially related to Dutch-Chinese cooperations.

The event then continued with a drink reception and informal open network discussion at the foyer of De Theaterschool Amsterdam.

As the organizer, DutchCulture’s China Desk would like to thank greatly De Theaterschool Amsterdam for its collaboration and host, as well as all the attended persons for their attendance and contribution to the successful event. We look forward to seeing you again in the future and hearing your stories and adventures working in between the Netherlands and China!


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