
Free to Create: Artistic Freedom in Europe

Filmposter of Silent Voice by Reka Valerik
Filmposter of 'Silent Voice' by Reka Valerik, France/Belgium, 2020
studio daoudi

Free to Create: Artistic Freedom in Europe

The Council of Europe published a report on the challenges European artists and cultural workers face regarding the freedom of artistic expression.

Recently, the Council of Europe published a report entitled Free to Create: Artistic Freedom in Europe, which examines the challenges European artists and cultural workers face in the practice of their right to freedom of artistic expression. These range from laws that curtail creative freedom, attacks from non-governmental groups and online threats to the “under-the-radar” pressures that contribute to self-censorship.

Artistic freedom is a core human right requiring protection and it has worsened recently under multiple challenges – political extremism, economic collapse, a global pandemic, threats from digitisation, an emerging environmental catastrophe, and the return of war within Europe. All crises with major impacts on human rights across society. This comprehensive overview reflects the work carried out by the Council of Europe, other international intergovernmental organisations promoting freedom of expression and human rights, and non-governmental, civil society and cultural organisations concerned with artists’ and cultural rights, as well as the experiences and perspectives of artists. It concludes with recommendations on measures to protect artistic freedom, by international institutions and by the cultural sector and artists themselves.

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