The June EU elections are crucial for the future of the continent. In an interview series, we reflect on the role of culture in Europe. #4: Stephanie Bonnici
The June EU elections are crucial for the future of the continent. In an interview series, we reflect on the role of culture in Europe. #1: Kirsten van den Hul
Financial support for Ukrainian and dissident Russian artists in the Netherlands is now available via the Dutch Foundation for Literature website.
European Cultural Foundation en DutchCulture roepen alle politieke partijen op om bij nieuwe kabinetsformatie de versterking van de cultuursector te agenderen.
Author Jaap Scholten has written a personal story on the role of art & culture in times of war, for the occasion of our visitors programme Ukraine in September.
We set up a cross-EU/Europe thematic team to strengthen European cultural relations and collaborations, and participate in EU/Europe-themed events.
In this publication we show the added value of our visitors programmes, such as building lasting relationships, and highlight some of the most rewarding visits.
Too many different formats, geographies, and priorities for artist residencies. How can we study them and understand their potential?
Rather than acting just as cv embellishers and feel-good providers, artist residencies can be places where care and sustainability is applied in practice.
The Council of Europe published a report on the challenges European artists and cultural workers face regarding the freedom of artistic expression.
During the World Summit on Arts & Culture, UNESCO published a report calling on States to protect artists and culture professionals in emergency contexts.
Seven museum professionals from Ukraine visited the Netherlands to share their stories with and have their voices heard by the Dutch cultural sector.
DutchCulture & Marokkueer Zawya are proud to present the exhibition 'Queer your Ramadan' from 27 March to 21 April.
Far from being a luxury or a holiday, an artist residency can be a tool for re-imagining and re-structuring the ecology of art, especially in critical times.
DutchCulture and Cobra Museum invited four young Moroccan and Dutch-Moroccan artists to shine their light on 'The Other Story' and on what art means to them.
A recap of DutchCulture's most memorable conversations with artists, cultural professionals and experts: Artists in Conversation and Country Focus.
In July, we organised in collaboration with Female Economy the Morocco edition: watch the very intimate and lively dialogue between like-minded artists.
Bristolian Priyanka Raval illustrates how artists from Bristol are taking back ownership of public space in the city, from those in power to the people.
Our information point aims to help Dutch artists and organisations by answering questions about cultural cooperation with Ukraine.